Discipling Mexico’s youth through art

This entry was sent to us by Chris McReynolds of Proyecto Amistad which disciples young followers of Jesus in México and the U.S.

At a conference in Mexico City last January, Darrow Miller, co-founder of Disciple Nations Alliance, taught that the church has a great, untapped potential for discipling nations, i.e. Christians working in the arts. Many young people are gifted in music, poetry, painting and film making but are often discouraged by the church from pursuing their God-given talents. He commented that non-Christian artists sharing atheistic-materialistic or neo-pagan values have more impact on our culture and on Christian youth than the church does.

Darrow observed that the church should be the “well spring” of the arts for our nations. He cited the notorious “Madonna and Britney kiss” as a deliberate act of discipling young people, both Christian and non-Christian, to embrace same-sex activity as legitimate. This vice was promoted as a virtue to millions of youth, including Christians, around the world using music and other art forms. Given that arts are “upstream” from politics and economics, one lamentable result is that legislators are passing laws to redefine marriage.

Darrow challenged those at the conference to call the church to create a platform for young Christian artists to use their gifts to speak prophetically to culture. Christian art does not mean “religious art” – songs about Jesus or pictures of Christ and the cross. Christians should create art that promotes Kingdom Culture – Truth, Beauty and Goodness – in winsome ways to the culture. We are to speak prophetically, to critique our cultures. Young Christian artists who catch this vision and are encouraged can become disciplers of their nations.

Impacted by Darrow’s comments, Francelia Chavez, wife of coordinator Chris McReynolds, began discussing with seminary music students, church music directors and others the idea of using music to disciple youth. From these conversations, a music ministry called DJ-MuC took shape.


DJ-MuC – translated from Spanish – stands for Discipleship of Youth for Christ Using Music. The idea is to integrate teaching, testimony, and music that speaks to young people, and then offer follow-up counseling and communication.

To date, we have held three national-level gatherings of youth in the Presbyterian church of Mexico, one each in Monterrey, Tepecoculco (in the state of Mexico), and Playa del Carmen. At these events messages have been presented and the band has performed and provided testimony of Jesus Christ’s influence in their lives. The response has been encouraging.

Dj-muC Logo

Many of the youth chose to devote, or re-devote, their lives to Christ. Several have received help with serious problems. One of DJ-MuC’s main objectives is to maintain contact with the youth through social media and other means. Another objective is to inspire and facilitate the formation of similar music ministries in various regions of Mexico.


The youth and adults of DJ-MuC hold up their index fingers to say, “God is One, and we are one in Christ!”

This program is a work in progress, so please pray for its growth and continued fruit.

Connect with DJ-MuC on Facebook,
and e-mail Francelia Chavez or Chris McReynolds to learn more.

‘Discipling Nations’ book reaches Tanzanian govt. officials, businesspeople

Ideas are powerful; they can edify, or they can destroy. The DNA exists to spread ideas that contribute to the building of God’s kingdom and the flourishing of all nations. The first DNA book, called Discipling Nations, has made its way around the globe, and through it God has touched hearts and changed minds.

Recently, this book fell into the hands of several top Christian leaders in Tanzania, including the prime minister, the speaker of parliament, the attorney general, and several other prominent leaders in the government and business sectors.

Mwassa Jingi

Mwassa Jingi (above), a Tanzanian journalist, author, lawyer and former businessman, had established relationships with these leaders through his work, so he handed them free copies and will begin to follow up this month to discuss their thoughts on the book as it relates to Tanzanian society.

Mwassa himself received the book from Merle and Claudia Wiens, friends of the DNA who have worked for ReachGlobal for almost 22 years.

Merle gave a copy of Discipling Nations to Mwassa at the end of 2011, and he read it in just a few days. “Brother Merle,” Mwassa wrote in response, “the book you gave it is an amazing book amongst many books I have read on social development. We need to sit down and critically plan how can we use the knowledge and principles revealed in this book to transform my people–Tanzanians. Thank you so much for the book.”

Since then, Mwassa has attended several Vision Conferences and plans to be trained as a conference leader before the end of the year.

Please pray for Mwassa’s follow-up meetings with these leaders, that God’s plans to heal brokenness and restore all things would be recognized by these leaders and realized across Tanzania.

Jingi-Mw 1-12 2

To contact Merle or Mwassa, e-mail Merle.Wiens@efca.org.


New book! ‘As the Family Goes, So Goes the Nation’

We are pleased to announce the release of a new book co-written by Scott Allen, president of the DNA Global Secretariat, titled: As the Family Goes, So Goes the Nation: Principles and Practices for Building Healthy Families.

As the Family GoesThe book is an important addition to our DNA library of resources because of the vital roles that marriage and family play in discipling nations. Historically, the DNA has emphasized the central role of local churches in blessing, healing and restoring broken nations, but equally important is the place of family: the first and most basic social institution in any society.

Simply put, healthy families produce healthy nations. Healthy families are those united by a solid spiritual foundation in Christ.

Today, the prevailing culture has redefined marriage and family, and non-Christian habits of thought and practice dominate, even in the church. Christian parents need a biblical vision of purpose, wholeness and joy in marriage and family life, and a practical plan for applying the wisdom and power of God’s Word to their lives.

As the Family Goes, So Goes the Nation emphasizes the purpose of marriage and family in God’s overarching redemptive plan for the nations. It not only lays out the basic biblical principles that form the foundation of marriage and family; it also encourages application by providing helpful and creative suggestions for applying each principle.

Along with Scott, the book is co-authored by Dr. Elizabeth Youmans and Dr. Jill Thrift. Dr. Youmans is founder and president of Chrysalis International, a DNA affiliated organization. Elizabeth’s calling is to disciple leaders and transform education by nurturing the hearts and minds of teachers, parents and children for Christ through her AMO® Program. She resides in Orlando, Florida and is the mother of four children and grandmother of eight.

God's Purpose for the Family in Discipling Nations_Page_01

Click to read an excerpt

Dr. Jill Thrift is an early childhood educator who serves the interests of children and parents as a teacher, writer and advocate for public policies that protect and nurture children and families. She is the mother of one grown son and resides in San Antonio, Texas.

The book is intended for use by married couples and parents (and those preparing for marriage and parenting in the future). It is also written for pastors and church leaders as a resource for equipping their members to fulfill their roles as husbands, wives, mothers and fathers.

The book now is available at Amazon.com and soon will be available through the DNA Secretariat Office online bookstore.

A Spanish-language version of the book will be published later this year by Editorial Jucum.

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: Marriage, Family and Worldview (Scott Allen)

Chapter 2: Pursing God’s Design for Marriage (Scott Allen)

Chapter 3: God’s Design for the Family (Scott Allen)

Chapter 4: God’s Purpose for the Family in Discipling Nations (Scott Allen)

Chapter 5: The Power of Words and God’s Word (Elizabeth Youmans)

Chapter 6: The Christian View of Children (Elizabeth Youmans)

Chapter 7: The Home as a Vital Learning Center (Elizabeth Youmans)

Chapter 8: Nurturing the Whole Child for Life and Leadership (Jill Thrift and Elizabeth Youmans)

Chapter 9: Establishing Family Worship (Jill Thrift and Elizabeth Youmans)

Chapter 10: Celebrating Family Traditions and Godly Heritage (Jill Thrift and Elizabeth Youmans)

Chapter 11: Loving and Serving Others (Scott Allen and Jill Thrift)

Appendix 1: A Note to Single Parents and to the Church

Appendix 2: A Word for Pastors and Local Church Leaders

Appendix 3: “God’s One Anothers” from the New Testament

DNA videos airing on Nigerian state television TODAY

Starting today and airing every Wednesday night through the end of October, a new DNA video series will be broadcast across Nigeria on the state television station PRTVC, which has well over 3 million viewers.

The topic of the 7-part series is “Monday Church”–in the words of DNA co-founder Darrow Miller, “More work of the church is to take place Monday through Saturday than takes place on Sunday.” These challenging but encouraging lessons will unpack God’s plan for every Christian in every sphere of society to be a ‘missionary of restoration’ every day of the week.

Monday Church video series

Click here to watch the videos!

A local church in Jos, Nigeria called ECWA Plateau Church has purchased airtime on PRTVC and already has been showing “On Earth as It Is in Heaven,” a video series by DNA co-founders Darrow Miller and Bob Moffitt that looks at what it would really look like–what it would really take–to see God’s kingdom come here and now, on earth as it is in heaven.

Steve Chia 1“There is such a dichotomized lifestyle between what happens on Sunday and the week days,” says Steve Chia (left) who is organizing this effort through his Nigerian church. “Many profess to be Christians on Sundays, but we do not seem to see the impact in the society.”

Please pray for those who see these videos, that their minds and hearts would be opened to God’s love for them and prosperous plans for their lives, and that they would respond in obedience.

To contact Steve, please e-mail aschia06@gmail.com.

On holy ground: A night when God’s power filled the room

God is at work all the time, everywhere, day and night. Many of his efforts go unnoticed (which is not to say they’re insignificant). But sometimes, he moves so mightily that it commands awe from every witness–his power fills the room like a thick smoke you can’t ignore.

So it was one evening in May when DNA co-founder Darrow Miller fulfilled an invitation to speak to a group of 100 people in Spain. This was a gathering of Youth with a Mission (YWAM) colleagues from 21 countries, and “the whole place just came unglued,” says Darrow.

His topic that night was “Sexism and the Spirit of Baal,” which explored the spiritual root of sexist culture in pagan, animistic religion. Baal worship led the Israelites to define husband as “owner-master.” This stands in contrast to God who is the loving, self-sacrificing husband (Ishi in Hebrew). He also taught “The Coming of the Bridegroom,” explaining how Christ treated women with dignity and respect. Jesus was the “true feminist,” breaking the mold of sexist culture in his own day.

These biblical revelations–of God’s nature as husband to Israel and Christ’s nature as husband to the Church–penetrated many hearts, one of whom was Mikel, a Spanish pastor who then publicly declared how the Spirit of God was moving him to do something he’d never done before.

Here is Pastor Mikel’s testimony:

From the first day, I was very impacted by all that I was hearing regarding the dignity of the woman. I was being confronted personally, to the point of being challenged by God. Then I said to myself, I have to do something!

The next day, I was once again touched by the theme of the dignity of women and everything in my mind was revolving around this. That night, Darrow shared about the character of Ishi and, when the meeting ended, something arose strongly in my heart. I had to ask forgiveness to all women, especially those in Spain!

God showed me how to do this: how to use a prophetic act of washing the feet of one of the sisters there who would represent all the women in the world. I was to ask forgiveness for all the abuse, deceit and indifference that they had experienced at the hands of men.


A sister volunteered and came forward. I began to wash her feet, and I could perceive her tenderness, but I couldn’t look her in the face. God told me that was because of our “acts of shame” as men that I was unable to look her in the face.


Then, I kissed her feet trying to “show the tenderness” of God and express that we men want to change.

Finally, I drank the water that I had used to wash her feet as a sign of repentance. God said to me: “So it is that men must swallow their words, insults and vexations that they have been doing for so many years.

Then it was so special to see how all the sisters present fulfilled this prophetic act by offering their forgiveness. A weight was lifted, for them and for us and in Spain.

Beatriz is the woman who had her feet washed that night:

My name is Beatriz, I am 24 years old in Spanish nationality. This is my testimony about the night the Darrow spoke about the dignity of women. That night, God spoke to a Spanish pastor that he should honor woman and wash her feet. At no time did I think about going forward, but finally, I decided to take the step and be the chosen one.

From the time I took a seat in the chair, I started to feel God’s presence in a supernatural way. Never in my whole life had anyone washed my feet, much less a man. I had always had traumatic experiences with the opposite sex where the enemy had stolen my identity as a woman.


That night, I was able to receive freedom, restoration, dignity and truth. I saw the love of God toward women through the pastor and how God returned to me all that I had lost. I felt privileged to be able to represent many Spanish women. I know that this is marked my story and it has broken many lies. I am sure this is the beginning of the return to the original culture that God created.


“It was one of the most remarkable moments of my life; the Spirit of God met with us,” says Darrow. “Thank you, Lord, for blessing us with your presence.”

If you would like to learn more about the biblical value of women, please consider:



Pastor Mikel:

Desde el primer día me impactó mucho todo lo que estaba escuchando en cuanto a la dignidad de la mujer incluso yo mismo estaba siendo confrontado.

Hasta el punto de ser retado por Dios, entonces dije en mi interior:algo tengo que hacer.

Al día siguiente se volvió a tocar el tema de la dignidad de la mujer y todo en mi mente giraba en torno a ello.

En esa noche Darrow compartió a cerca del carácter de Ishi y al finalizar la reunión subió algo muy fuerte a mi corazón, tenia que pedir perdón a todas las mujeres en este caso de España.

Dios puso la manera: como un acto profético Dios me dijo que lavase los pies de una hermana de las que allí estaban representando a todas las mujeres en el mundo,y le pidiese perdón por todos los abusos, engaños, maltratos e indiferencias que habían experimentado de parte del los hombres.

Una hermana voluntaria vino y empecé a lavarle los pies podía percibir su ternura pero no le podía mirar a la cara, Dios me decía que era por nuestros

“actos de vergüenza” como hombres que no podía mirarle a la cara.

Luego besé sus pies tratando de “mostrar la ternura” de Dios y expresando que los hombres queremos cambiar .

Finalmente bebí el agua con que había lavado sus pies en señal de “arrepentimiento” y Dios me dijo: así es como tiene que tragar el hombre sus palabras, insultos y vejaciones que ha venido haciendo por años.

Luego fue muy especial ver como todas las hermanas presentes completaron este acto profético ofreciéndonos su perdón, un peso fue quitado; para ellas y para nosotros y en España.


Mi nombre es Beatriz tengo 24 años y mi nacionalidad es española,y este es mi testimonio sobre la noche que darrow hablo sobre la dignidad de la mujer;

En esa noche dios hablo a un pastor español  que devia honrrar a la mujer y lavarle  los pies,en ningún momento pensé en salir pero al final decidi  dar el paso y ser la escogida. Desde el momento que me sente en la silla empece a sentir la presencia de dios de una manera sobrenatural, nunca en mi vida nadie me había lavado los pies y menos un hombre ,siempre había tenido experiencias traumáticas con el sexo opuesto donde el enemigo robo mi identidad como mujer, en esa noche pude recibir  libertad, restauración, dignidad y verdad ,vi el amor de dios hacia la mujer a través del pastor  y  como Dios me devolvía todo lo que perdi .Me sentí privilegia de poder representar a muchas mujeres Españolas , se que esto a marcado la historia y que a quebrado muchas mentiras  y estoy segura que es el comienzo de regresar a la cultura original que Dios creo.

‘Christianity Today’ magazine features special report on the Church in Japan

This month’s issue of Christianity Today includes a special report from long-time friend of the DNA Soohwan Park who has been closely involved with the recovery efforts following Japan’s massive series of disasters in March 2011.

Redeeming Disaster

Click here to read the full story

As an associate with the Marketplace Institute at Regent College in Vancouver, Canada, and in collaboration with the DNA (including DNA Korea) , Friends with the Voiceless (Japan), Food for the Hungry Canada and Food for the Hungry Intl., Soohwan completed extensive field research in Fukushima, Japan’s prefecture now famous for its nuclear disaster following the 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Her story in Christianity Today, titled “Redeeming Disaster,” takes a sober look at emergency-relief efforts and their tendency to overlook three vital aspects: spirituality, story and sustainability. She recounts how many local churches made great sacrifices to meet deep, invisible needs in Fukushima.

“Disaster relief is complex,” Soohwan says. “Theologically, it involves restoration of all things that were broken and all relationships that are in need of reconciliation in order for a community to flourish (Col. 1:15-20). Fundamentally, this is not the work of a professional agency but of ordinary people in a local church loving their neighbors out of love for Christ. Christian relief work happens only when the local church realizes its mission to serve the world, giving themselves for others and restoring the fabric of a broken society.”

Soohwan’s report reflects many of the DNA’s Seven Core Truths, particularly #4: The local church is God’s principle agent in his primary agenda of advancing his kingdom.

This story will appear in Christianity Today – Korea this September.

Click here to read the full story and gain a better picture of how God is at work in Japan.

Follow Soohwan's blog at www.FearNotFukushima.blogspot.com.

Follow Soohwan’s blog at http://www.FearNotFukushima.blogspot.com.

“The Forest in the Seed” continues to open eyes all over the world

forest_cover_webPublished seven years ago, The Forest in the Seed is a small book that continues to make a great impact on the minds of movers and shakers from every corner of the world. Recently, we heard from Helen Hardin, an American actively building God’s kingdom in her own community and internationally.

“For years, I have been reading about poverty alleviation and wealth distribution to understand how best to share and minister to poor believers in Mexico,” said Helen. “While the other books and seminars were helpful, nothing seemed to fit exactly.

As I read your book this morning, I was so excited I had to put it down for a while and calm myself down. This is the foundation for all other poverty alleviation strategies and development work. Somehow I missed it along the way.”

Helen supports ministries in Mexico and North Africa. She is dynamically involved in her local community and church, where she mentors a group of teenage girls.

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Helen (left) visits her dear friend, Cecilia. Cecilia is from Chiapas, Mexico and sells her family’s wares on the beaches of the Caribbean.

While The Forest in the Seed was intended primarily for an audience addressing extreme poverty in the majority world, the messages are just as relevant for American teens.

“They are beautiful gifts from God,” Helen said, “and all of us need the message from God found in The Forest in the Seed.”

Helen also is a graduate of the Centurion Program established by the late Chuck Colson. This year-long program prepares participants to navigate today’s culture with a Christian perspective–to actively live out their faith in every sphere of society. While attending the annual Colson Center’s Wilberforce Weekend conference in Washington, DC earlier this year, she met DNA co-founder Darrow Miller, a featured speaker at the conference, calling it a “divine appointment.” It was there she picked up the book.

“I already knew most of [the information in the book], but seeing it organized the way it’s presented in the book made it totally new and life changing,” she said.

Helen is widely networked and recently bought 20 copies of the book to give to leaders in her church, ministry leaders in distressed areas, those who have a biblical view of helping the poor, and friends who have influence with large groups.

Have you already read The Forest in the Seed? Is there someone you think may enjoy reading this 91-page book? Download a free PDF from our website, or buy a hard copy in our bookstore for just $7.

Please pray as churches minister to flood victims in Nepal

In recent weeks, heavy rains and swelling rivers in western Nepal have caused extreme suffering for hundreds of people, and local churches are stepping up to meet the needs of their neighbors. Please pray for this emergency.

Portraits of missing pilgrims are seen on the gates of the Jolly Grant Airport in Dehradun, Nepal, on June 26, 2013 (source).

Portraits of missing pilgrims are seen on the gates of the Jolly Grant Airport in Dehradun, Nepal, on June 26, 2013 (source).

Here is a brief report from Tek Prasad Rijal who works with Vision Network Nepal, the DNA Local Network in Nepal and affiliate of Harvest Foundation.

We need your prayer for Nepal. This time, flood and landslide has caused disaster in Nepal. People have lost their  property, houses, and even lives. There are many people in need. We need your prayer!
  • 871 houses are completely destroyed, and 1,164 families have been displaced. These people now are living in schools, other public buildings and relatives’ houses.
  • We have helped 815 families so far on a face-to-face level.

I was out in the flooded areas in the Kailali District to be with the churches there in Tikapur [see these on the map]. The situation was so bad that we saw that the flood had washed away everything they had. No one was there to help them. Seeing the situation, about 53 churches in Tikapur took the initiative to help the people. Churches were there in the first line to help the people. Madan [Harvest staff member] was leading the movement. I was with him and the rest of the churches in Tikapur.

It was so touching for me and Madan, to see how the churches are taking initiatives to help those in need. We were so happy that people from the churches were doing the service.  There, we saw the real impact of the Vision Conference. It was a really good opportunity for us to see the churches at work. It was more than just service. It went so peacefully. People were happy and thankful.

I and Madan, with the other pastors and leaders, visited families after the relief service. Those victims told us that one of the local pastors of their area had come to them, asked about their situation, and helped them.

Not all relief services were as peaceful as the one we visited. Two days after our relief service, we were reading the news about a different relief-service program in Bardia District. While they were distributing relief service, something went wrong, and about 2,000 people did not get the help they needed. People started to fight, and police shot with teargas toward the people and toward the sky to stop the fight. In this fight, more than 24 people were injured, two of them seriously. Some people also attacked police and administration offices, breaking windows. In another district, 19 families were without food for four days. Now, people are lacking basic health services.


Please join the global Church in praying for the families struck down by this disaster.

You can contact Tek Prasad Rijal (pictured here) at tejrijal@gmail.com.

Prayer focus: Egypt

Here is an important prayer request from Stephen Langa, our partner in North and East Africa:

Dear Brothers and Sisters [Intercessors–please mobilize prayer in your networks and circulate widely in Uganda, Africa and beyond],

Please pray for Egypt as she goes through the present crisis. Please pray that the intentions, will and purposes of the Sovereign God who reigns in the affairs of men will unfold and that the Isaiah 19:19 destiny of Egypt will be unfolded through all that is happening at this time, in that strategic and Biblical nation.

This is the nation which the Lord God used to make a name for Himself and glorified Himself by establishing to mankind once and for all time that there is no other God other than Himself. [Exodus 14:14, Deuteronomy 4:34].

This is the nation where the Church has been in constant persecution since the 7th century. Please pray that the Lord would remember mercy and at this time remember the Church in Egypt that has suffered for so long. Please pray that the Lord who is the only expert in turning what humanly looks bad and negative into something good and beautiful, to ultimately bring good to the Church and the Egyptian people.

This is a nation that has been bound in spiritual darkness, and the people have been chained in Satan’s lies for centuries. May this be the time Egypt will see the Light of God’s Kingdom as revealed by the Savior. May this be the time when the Egyptian people will find genuine peace through the Prince of Peace who alone has the road-map to genuine national peace and reconciliation.

Egyptian flag

Egyptian flag

Please pray that the Lord would protect the Church and will lead and guide her to know and understand the role that she should play at this critical time when the nation needs direction and genuine reconciliation.

Egypt has a specific call and destiny as a nation in the Arab world. Please pray that the Egyptian Church will recognize this and will walk in obedience and in keeping pace with God to cause her to fulfill her God-given destiny at this time.

Please pray for peace in Egypt–that all people from different backgrounds will be able to live in peace with one another.

God bless,
Stephen Langa

Stephen LangaStephen Langa is part of Samaritan Strategy Africa and has built strong alliances with key church leaders across the Arab-speaking world.

Last year, he met with several influential leaders in Egypt, including Rev. Dr. Sameh Maurice, Senior Pastor of Kasr El Dobara Church, the largest church in the Arab-speaking world. Read more about that important event here.

New 5-year program is up and running in Uganda

The DNA Local Network in Africa, called Transforming Nations Alliance, has launched a dynamic Church-Based Community Transformation project in Uganda, and preliminary reports show that transformation is on its way.

Last week, leaders from about 20 local Ugandan churches came together for an initial training, and the power of unity was easy to see:

“I have been a church leader for many years, but I have never sat or participated with other church leaders from different denominations, especially from my village, in a training. I now strongly believe that if we work together as believers, the kingdom of God will be advanced faster.” -Ugandan pastor

Brief overview of the program

Over the next five years, the DNA in Africa will partner with 40 rural and urban (Kampala) churches, equipping them to become powerful, kingdom change-agents, using their own resources to bring hope, love and healing while addressing the most critical needs in their communities.

The program will walk leaders from these 40 churches through 10 training modules that expand on these three general areas:

  1. Overcoming cultural lies with biblical truth → The program uniquely integrates a wholistic approach to ministry with an emphasis on worldview transformation that identifies and replaces satanic distortions—the root causes of poverty and brokenness—with biblical truth.
  2. Wholistic community outreach → Trained churches will apply what they’ve learned by reaching out to their communities throughSeed Projectsthat demonstrate God’s love in practical ways, using local resources.
  3. Developing basic life skills → Church members will receive trainings on health, money management, marriage and family, evangelism, and discipleship–all from a distinctly biblical perspective. They will be equipped to demonstrate these things to other community members.
A Ugandan church leader outlines a potential Seed Project for his church

A Ugandan church leader outlines a potential Seed Project for his church

A tested model of community transformation

The Church-Based Community Transformation model builds upon an exciting program in Southeast Asia that, over the past several years, has seen unprecedented community improvements and truly miraculous moves of God. Starting with 30 local churches, the program has now grown to include more than 700 churches. As a result of the training, churches and their communities have experienced an array of measurable, positive changes, including increased income, improved health, higher-quality primary education, decreased community conflict, increased conversion rates, increased church attendance, and increased tithing. Click here to read one amazing story! All of this has taken place in areas where the church is oppressed. Today, government officials acknowledge the positive impact these churches have brought to their communities.

For more details on the DNA’s Church-Based Community Transformation program,
please e-mail info@disciplenations.org.