‘Nurturing the Nations’ Portuguese translation is underway!

“If I could have written only one book in my life, it would have been Nurturing the Nations,” says DNA co-founder Darrow Miller, who has written and co-written a total of 11 books. This book directly addresses one of the greatest causes of global poverty: the lie that men are superior to women.

NN Portuguese announcementNurturing the Nations currently is available in English, Spanish, Chinese and Romanian, and God is using it to heal broken relationships and hearts all over the world. (Click here to read a powerful story from Spain.)

Presently, DNA friends in England and Brazil are working hard to translate this book into Portuguese. We will announce the book here as soon as it’s finished, so stay tuned!

Please e-mail info@disciplenations.org with any questions.


A tradução para o português de “Nurturing the Nations” está à caminho
     Se eu pudesse escrever um só livro em minha vida, seria o Nurturing the Nations, diz o co-fundador do DNA, Darrow Miller, que escreveu e co-escreveu o total de 11 livros. Este último destina-se diretamente a uma das grande causas da probreza global: a mentira de que o homem é superior a mulher.
     Nurturing the Nations está atualmente disponível em inglês, espanhol, romeno e chinês e Deus está usando-o para curar corações e relacionamentos destruídos por todo o mundo. (Clique aqui para ler uma poderosa história ocorrida na Espanha).
     Atualmente os amigos do DNA na Inglaterra e no Brazil estão trabalhando para traduzir este livro para o português. Nós anunciaremos o livro aqui assim que estiver disponível, fiquem sintonizados.
     Favor enviar e-mail para info@disciplenations.org com suas perguntas.

New book! ‘As the Family Goes, So Goes the Nation’

We are pleased to announce the release of a new book co-written by Scott Allen, president of the DNA Global Secretariat, titled: As the Family Goes, So Goes the Nation: Principles and Practices for Building Healthy Families.

As the Family GoesThe book is an important addition to our DNA library of resources because of the vital roles that marriage and family play in discipling nations. Historically, the DNA has emphasized the central role of local churches in blessing, healing and restoring broken nations, but equally important is the place of family: the first and most basic social institution in any society.

Simply put, healthy families produce healthy nations. Healthy families are those united by a solid spiritual foundation in Christ.

Today, the prevailing culture has redefined marriage and family, and non-Christian habits of thought and practice dominate, even in the church. Christian parents need a biblical vision of purpose, wholeness and joy in marriage and family life, and a practical plan for applying the wisdom and power of God’s Word to their lives.

As the Family Goes, So Goes the Nation emphasizes the purpose of marriage and family in God’s overarching redemptive plan for the nations. It not only lays out the basic biblical principles that form the foundation of marriage and family; it also encourages application by providing helpful and creative suggestions for applying each principle.

Along with Scott, the book is co-authored by Dr. Elizabeth Youmans and Dr. Jill Thrift. Dr. Youmans is founder and president of Chrysalis International, a DNA affiliated organization. Elizabeth’s calling is to disciple leaders and transform education by nurturing the hearts and minds of teachers, parents and children for Christ through her AMO® Program. She resides in Orlando, Florida and is the mother of four children and grandmother of eight.

God's Purpose for the Family in Discipling Nations_Page_01

Click to read an excerpt

Dr. Jill Thrift is an early childhood educator who serves the interests of children and parents as a teacher, writer and advocate for public policies that protect and nurture children and families. She is the mother of one grown son and resides in San Antonio, Texas.

The book is intended for use by married couples and parents (and those preparing for marriage and parenting in the future). It is also written for pastors and church leaders as a resource for equipping their members to fulfill their roles as husbands, wives, mothers and fathers.

The book now is available at Amazon.com and soon will be available through the DNA Secretariat Office online bookstore.

A Spanish-language version of the book will be published later this year by Editorial Jucum.

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: Marriage, Family and Worldview (Scott Allen)

Chapter 2: Pursing God’s Design for Marriage (Scott Allen)

Chapter 3: God’s Design for the Family (Scott Allen)

Chapter 4: God’s Purpose for the Family in Discipling Nations (Scott Allen)

Chapter 5: The Power of Words and God’s Word (Elizabeth Youmans)

Chapter 6: The Christian View of Children (Elizabeth Youmans)

Chapter 7: The Home as a Vital Learning Center (Elizabeth Youmans)

Chapter 8: Nurturing the Whole Child for Life and Leadership (Jill Thrift and Elizabeth Youmans)

Chapter 9: Establishing Family Worship (Jill Thrift and Elizabeth Youmans)

Chapter 10: Celebrating Family Traditions and Godly Heritage (Jill Thrift and Elizabeth Youmans)

Chapter 11: Loving and Serving Others (Scott Allen and Jill Thrift)

Appendix 1: A Note to Single Parents and to the Church

Appendix 2: A Word for Pastors and Local Church Leaders

Appendix 3: “God’s One Anothers” from the New Testament

New book! Recovering Our Mission: Making the Invisible Kingdom Visible

Hot off the press! This week, the DNA releases Darrow Miller’s newest book called Recovering Our Mission: Making the Invisible Kingdom Visible. This 136-page book is geared at anyone interested in God’s Great Commission.

Recovering our Mission_front cover

Get yours for $6

Here’s a synopsis:

Jesus commanded his followers to make disciples of all nations. This Great Commission is central to the existence of the church in every generation. Why? Because if the church does not live out the Word of God in the world, the ideas that dominate our societies will govern it. We must leave behind the incomplete vision of “saving souls for heaven” and take up the commission of discipling individuals and communities toward a reflection of the truth, goodness and beauty of God’s kingdom.

There is no neutrality: Either the church will disciple the nation or the nation will disciple the church.

In this important work adapted from Emancipating the World, Darrow Miller challenges us to rethink and restore the church’s mission amid today’s greatest challenges. We are to overwhelm the nations with the nature and character of God, anticipating the consummation of Christ’s reign, when all nations will bring the glories of their cultures into his kingdom. We are to battle tyranny with love and service, and we are to combat lies with truth and goodness. In these ways, we can recover our truly great mission to the world.

Next month: Join Darrow Miller in Peru at Nurturing the Nations conference!

Hear DNA co-founder Darrow Miller speak on one of his most popular and engaging topics: the value and dignity of women. Learn how an improper view of women keeps societies locked in poverty, and how a biblical worldview leads to flourishing!

When: March 6-9

Where: Church Mision Bíblica Carismática (Templo Central) in San Isidro, Lima – Perú

To learn more, call 051 – 2211937 /  051-2223825.

Want a preview? Watch Darrow’s presentation on the same topic from November 2012:

Reclaiming the Dignity of Women for the Building of Healthy Cultures – Darrow Miller from CCMN & CCN on Vimeo.

NEW resource to teach biblical worldview to children

We are thrilled to announce the release of a very important new resource from the Disciple Nations Alliance, Footings for Children: Imparting a Biblical Worldview so They Can Thrive, written by our director of international programs, Dwight Vogt, along with Karen Jacobsen.

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For nations to be discipled, Christ’s followers must allow the biblical worldview to enlighten every area of their lives, and they must carry it outward into every sphere of society.

Essential to this task is the discipleship of our children. Building healthy, free and prosperous nations is a multi-generational endeavor, and it begins with the training of children in knowledge of the truth. This training is a primary responsibility of Christian parents, equipped and supported by local churches.

Parents and Child

If you have a heart to disciple your nation, begin with the children in your life!

Footings for Children is perfect for:

  • After-school or para-school programs
  • Sunday schools
  • Christian camps
  • Family devotions
  • Home schools

Footings for Children is designed to be adapted to any cultural context, including settings where teaching aids and tools are limited. The lessons are appropriate for beginning teachers and those more experienced.

Click here to learn about the four versions of Footings for Children
and the authors behind them.

Rosaura MesonesThere are several hundred children and adolescents in Peru, from all walks of life, that have experienced the blessing of being exposed to the profound and yet simply-expressed practical teachings of Footings for Children.

Footings is an excellent resource with a great holistic approach, presenting topics not often covered in children’s ministry in my country. The lessons are well-written and appropriate for beginning teachers as well as more experienced ones.

With its active and participatory methodology, and adapting for different age groups, we have successfully used these lessons in children’s clubs and Sunday Schools in both rural and urban communities. With a few adaptations, they have also been used with children health promoters and a parent training program. I have no doubt that Footings for Children will continue to bless young and old.

Rosaura Mesones, former country director of Food for the Hungry, Peru

Video: Darrow Miller in Asia, speaking about the dignity of women

DNA co-founder Darrow Miller speaks all over the world about topics relating to a wholistic, Biblical worldview. One of those topics is the true value and dignity of women. His popular book on this topic, Nurturing the Nations: Reclaiming the Dignity of Women in Building Healthy Cultures, has been translated from English into several other languages by people thirsty for their societies to read and understand God’s true intent for women.

In October 2012, Darrow visited Singapore, in Asia: a continent that exhibits some of the world’s most brutal treatment of women and girls. Every year, China and India combined kill more baby girls than those born in the U.S. (source). They have bought into the lie that men are superior to women.

Darrow spoke at the Cell Church Missions Network‘s Global Summit: a gathering of about 500 Christian leaders from all over Asia. The Summit’s organizers offered Nurturing the Nations for free in both English and Chinese, and Darrow gave a powerful presentation. Click below to watch it; you won’t be disappointed!

LifeWork now available in Korean!

One of DNA’s most popular books is now available in Korean!

Even though all of DNA’s books are composed in English, when people around the world read them, they often ask to translate the books into their local languages. So far, DNA has books in 24 languages ranging from Afrikaans to Vietnamese!

To buy this book, e-mail YWAM Publishing in Korea: ywampubl@hotmail.com

LifeWork: A Biblical Theology for What You Do Every Day
approaches the fact that even though we spend 50 to 75 percent of our waking hours working, we rarely (if ever) step back to explore the vision that drives our lives and work. In this book, DNA co-founder Darrow Miller lays out the thought background necessary for each of us to establish a meaningful, integrated understanding of our life and work. Whatever our work or vocation, God calls each of us to a new way of living–fully in his presence. Read reviews on Amazon!

Video: Business Declares the Glory of God

A biblical worldview requires a biblical view of work: It is a blessing, not a curse, and we can use it to glorify God.

Here is a new, short video from the magazine Christianity Today about a businessman in Phoenix, Arizona who is revitalizing and blessing his city through his propensity for business.

If you liked this story, you may also enjoy From hobby to calling: An artist discovers the purpose for his talent. Also, check out DNA’s book on this subject: LifeWork: A Biblical Theology for What You Do Every Day.

LifeWork now available on the Kindle e-reader

If you have a Kindle, you may want to check out the new e-version of LifeWork: A Biblical Theology for What You Do Every Day, by Darrow Miller. It’s just $9.99 USD (and no shipping charges!).

Click here to see the Kindle version on Amazon.com.

Some comments by readers:

“The book challenges one’s mindset in what work is–a blessing from God–and the way to really live out what we say we believe.” -Cherish

“Clear concepts and simple graphics help communicate the application of a biblical perspective.” -Jill Thrift

“I especially appreciated how the Christian Worldview reveals the need for balance in the task of ‘doing good.'” -W. Switzer

Darrow Miller interviewed on BreakPoint this Saturday, October 6

This Saturday, October 6, DNA co-founder Darrow Miller will appear on BreakPoint, a radio broadcast begun by Chuck Colson in 1991. Darrow will talk with John Stonestreet on the weekly radio program BreakPoint This Week, which engages Christian writers and thinkers around topics that shape our culture.

In the interview, listen to Darrow discuss his newest book: Emancipating the World: A Christian Response to Radical Islam and Fundamentalist Atheism.

Tune in this Saturday, October 6!
Click here to find your local station and airtime. The interview also will be posted online on Saturday, so check BreakPoint that day if you’d like to listen online (the interview will remain online through October 12).