‘Nurturing the Nations’ Portuguese translation is underway!

“If I could have written only one book in my life, it would have been Nurturing the Nations,” says DNA co-founder Darrow Miller, who has written and co-written a total of 11 books. This book directly addresses one of the greatest causes of global poverty: the lie that men are superior to women.

NN Portuguese announcementNurturing the Nations currently is available in English, Spanish, Chinese and Romanian, and God is using it to heal broken relationships and hearts all over the world. (Click here to read a powerful story from Spain.)

Presently, DNA friends in England and Brazil are working hard to translate this book into Portuguese. We will announce the book here as soon as it’s finished, so stay tuned!

Please e-mail info@disciplenations.org with any questions.


A tradução para o português de “Nurturing the Nations” está à caminho
     Se eu pudesse escrever um só livro em minha vida, seria o Nurturing the Nations, diz o co-fundador do DNA, Darrow Miller, que escreveu e co-escreveu o total de 11 livros. Este último destina-se diretamente a uma das grande causas da probreza global: a mentira de que o homem é superior a mulher.
     Nurturing the Nations está atualmente disponível em inglês, espanhol, romeno e chinês e Deus está usando-o para curar corações e relacionamentos destruídos por todo o mundo. (Clique aqui para ler uma poderosa história ocorrida na Espanha).
     Atualmente os amigos do DNA na Inglaterra e no Brazil estão trabalhando para traduzir este livro para o português. Nós anunciaremos o livro aqui assim que estiver disponível, fiquem sintonizados.
     Favor enviar e-mail para info@disciplenations.org com suas perguntas.

Upcoming conference: Raising up the next generation of Christian leaders in México

This announcement comes from our partners at Proyecto Amistad:

Please, consider joining us this Sept 24-26 in Guadalajara, México. Rev. José Luis Montecillos Chipres, author and historian, and Darrow Miller of Disciple Nations Alliance will be our main speakers. This is sure to be an important and very enjoyable time for the friends of Proyecto Amistad and other ministries to create new relationships, learn, and work together for transformative Christian education in México. Click here for updated information and full schedule. Translation will be available at all conference activities.fishing netsFor information, you can call or e-mail the “Conference Location” or contact Chris at: U.S. Cell: (830) 719-5812, or proyectoamistad@gmail.com.

New book! Recovering Our Mission: Making the Invisible Kingdom Visible

Hot off the press! This week, the DNA releases Darrow Miller’s newest book called Recovering Our Mission: Making the Invisible Kingdom Visible. This 136-page book is geared at anyone interested in God’s Great Commission.

Recovering our Mission_front cover

Get yours for $6

Here’s a synopsis:

Jesus commanded his followers to make disciples of all nations. This Great Commission is central to the existence of the church in every generation. Why? Because if the church does not live out the Word of God in the world, the ideas that dominate our societies will govern it. We must leave behind the incomplete vision of “saving souls for heaven” and take up the commission of discipling individuals and communities toward a reflection of the truth, goodness and beauty of God’s kingdom.

There is no neutrality: Either the church will disciple the nation or the nation will disciple the church.

In this important work adapted from Emancipating the World, Darrow Miller challenges us to rethink and restore the church’s mission amid today’s greatest challenges. We are to overwhelm the nations with the nature and character of God, anticipating the consummation of Christ’s reign, when all nations will bring the glories of their cultures into his kingdom. We are to battle tyranny with love and service, and we are to combat lies with truth and goodness. In these ways, we can recover our truly great mission to the world.

DNA to be featured at the Colson Center’s Wilberforce Weekend Conference

DNA co-founder Darrow Miller accepted an invitation from the Colson Center to be a featured platform speaker at this year’s Wilberforce Weekend Conference in Washington, D.C., April 26-28.

The conference will engage the tension in which Christians live: living in the “in-between” of the here and the not yet Kingdom of God.

If this piques your interest, watch this short video with John Stonestreet, host of The Point radio broadcast.
It is a great representation of our DNA core beliefs!

Darrow, one of 10 featured speakers along with Eric Metaxas, will speak on how Christianity disciples entire nations. Interested in going to the conference? Register online or learn more.


Next month: Join Darrow Miller in Peru at Nurturing the Nations conference!

Hear DNA co-founder Darrow Miller speak on one of his most popular and engaging topics: the value and dignity of women. Learn how an improper view of women keeps societies locked in poverty, and how a biblical worldview leads to flourishing!

When: March 6-9

Where: Church Mision Bíblica Carismática (Templo Central) in San Isidro, Lima – Perú

To learn more, call 051 – 2211937 /  051-2223825.

Want a preview? Watch Darrow’s presentation on the same topic from November 2012:

Reclaiming the Dignity of Women for the Building of Healthy Cultures – Darrow Miller from CCMN & CCN on Vimeo.

You’re invited! DNA Vision Conference in Korea, Jan. 23-25

Year-round, DNA Vision Conferences are conducted all over the world by people trained in the dissemination of the DNA’s biblical-worldview materials. The conferences often are discreet and unbeknownst to most of the DNA network, but when we do hear of an upcoming conference, we want to broadcast it for those who might like to attend.

January 23-25, at Seoul Church in South Korea, the DNA Korea team will join DNA co-founders Darrow Miller and Bob Moffitt in a close examination of local Korean churches–their history and their current efforts to make disciples. The sessions will be available in both Korean and English.

This is not a typical DNA Vision Conference, which usually lasts five days and has a broader focus than described above. However, it’s an excellent opportunity to engage with passionate Christ-followers and see how God is using them to build His kingdom.

The cost is KRW 50,000 (about $50 USD), and you can learn more about DNA Korea here.

Interested? E-mail info@disciplenations.org!

VC Korea flyer

Video: Darrow Miller in Asia, speaking about the dignity of women

DNA co-founder Darrow Miller speaks all over the world about topics relating to a wholistic, Biblical worldview. One of those topics is the true value and dignity of women. His popular book on this topic, Nurturing the Nations: Reclaiming the Dignity of Women in Building Healthy Cultures, has been translated from English into several other languages by people thirsty for their societies to read and understand God’s true intent for women.

In October 2012, Darrow visited Singapore, in Asia: a continent that exhibits some of the world’s most brutal treatment of women and girls. Every year, China and India combined kill more baby girls than those born in the U.S. (source). They have bought into the lie that men are superior to women.

Darrow spoke at the Cell Church Missions Network‘s Global Summit: a gathering of about 500 Christian leaders from all over Asia. The Summit’s organizers offered Nurturing the Nations for free in both English and Chinese, and Darrow gave a powerful presentation. Click below to watch it; you won’t be disappointed!

“It’s a Girl” film on gendercide debuts in Phoenix

On October 25, the powerful documentary film “It’s a Girl” played for about 140 people in Phoenix, Arizona. The film exposes the horror of the One-Child Policy in China, deadly, deep-seated prejudice against females in India, and the resulting gender imbalance in these two countries.

Every year, according to an expert featured in the film, China and India together eliminate more baby girls than all the girls born in one year in the United States.

The audience included university students, Christian laborers, a high-school principal and her students, and many others spanning ages 14 to 80. Following the film, DNA co-founder Darrow Miller and “It’s a Girl” director, Evan Grae Davis, entertained questions from the crowd. Several audience members purchased copies of Nurturing the Nations and the “It’s a Girl” DVD, promising to show the film to their small groups and churches.

Two literally life-saving organizations were highlighted:

Let Her Live is a grassroots Christian organization in India that attacks gendercide at the root. They are out to change people’s minds about women, reversing the lie that women are inferior to men and, instead, showing that all people are made in the image of God.

All Girls Allowed is a grassroots Christian organization in China working against the One-Child Policy (and ensuing forced abortions), supporting women who choose to keep their baby girls, and caring for abandoned and trafficked girls.

Since the screening in Phoenix, this film has been shown to the European Parliament and myriad groups all over the world. Evan Grae Davis (its director) was invited to speak at the Ted X Conference in Mumbai, and Eric Metaxas wrote a powerful piece on this topic in BreakPoint.

Gendercide is a topic on which Darrow Miller has researched, written and spoken extensively. Click here to read a collection of his thoughts, and pray about how you can engage with this important issue.

LifeWork now available on the Kindle e-reader

If you have a Kindle, you may want to check out the new e-version of LifeWork: A Biblical Theology for What You Do Every Day, by Darrow Miller. It’s just $9.99 USD (and no shipping charges!).

Click here to see the Kindle version on Amazon.com.

Some comments by readers:

“The book challenges one’s mindset in what work is–a blessing from God–and the way to really live out what we say we believe.” -Cherish

“Clear concepts and simple graphics help communicate the application of a biblical perspective.” -Jill Thrift

“I especially appreciated how the Christian Worldview reveals the need for balance in the task of ‘doing good.'” -W. Switzer

DNA friends in India win $1,000 video contest to fight gendercide

This video, created by our friends at Art for Change in New Delhi, won the first-place $1,000 prize in a contest run by All Girls Allowed, an organization fighting ‘gendercide‘ in China and beyond.

“Best of all was seeing where all the short video reached!” says Stefan Eicher, director of Art for Change. “Two highlights were: hearing back from someone who survived birth in a family that wanted her a boy, and hearing about a government legislator in the South Indian state of Andhra Pradesh who was deeply moved by the video and plans to show it to the chief minister of the state and use it in their government programs.”

Art for Change is partnering with the Let Her Live campaign, a movement to restore the dignity and equality of women and girl children in India, and will use the prize money toward info packs, street theater performances, and college-campus screenings of the new documentary film “It’s A Girl.” The money also will pay for the production of a CD of songs previously written in a song-writing workshop on female foeticide (the killing of baby girls).

DNA’s relationship with Art for Change has been long and fruitful. “Darrow [co-founder of DNA] has been a mentor to me,” Stefan says, “and in many ways all that I am doing here with the arts has been birthed out of the vision and ideas he planted in us.”

Learn more about Art for Change and Let Her Live by clicking the live links above!