A Kairos Moment in Egypt

Work is underway on a potentially historic national Vision Conference in Egypt, co-sponsored by the Coptic, Evangelical, and Episcopal churches.

Stephen Langa, a member of Samaritan Strategy Africa who has worked to establish indigenous training teams in Sudan, traveled to Cairo last December and again in February to meet with key church leaders and cast the vision for a national Vision Conference.

Rev. Dr. Sameh Maurice, Senior Pastor of Kasr El Dobar in center, blue shirt

In February, Langa met with Reverend Dr. Sameh Maurice, Senior Pastor of Kasr El Dobara Church, the largest church in the Arab-speaking world, as well as Father Andrew of the Coptic Church. Both were enthusiastic about Stephen’s vision-casting presentation, and unanimously agreed that a Vison Conference should be conducted that would bring together the Body of Christ in Egypt. They advised that such an event should be led by the Coptic Church, which accounts for over 90% of the Christian Community in Egypt. Dr. Sameh made a commitment on behalf of Kasr El Dobara Church to participate in a Vision Conference convened by the Coptic Church. He stressed that such a teaching is greatly needed in Egypt at this time. He then helped to secure a meeting between Langa and Bishop Thomas, an influential and highly respected leader in the Coptic Church.

Stephen and Bishop Thomas met two days later. After hearing Langa’s presentation, he also agreed in principle to lead the effort to mobilize the various churches together to conduct a Vision Conference.

Bishop Thomas and Stephen Langa

Bishop Thomas and Stephen Langa

Please pray that God will work through these efforts to give birth to this important event. In his conversations with key church leaders in Egypt, Stephen sensed a hunger to see the whole nation transformed. Leaders are looking for practical ways to effectively engage the broader community in an Islamic context to bring national transformation.

“This is a kairos moment for the church in Egypt,” Stephen said, “to incarnate and champion Kingdom values and principles.”

Hope for Africa Grows : Three New National Teams

Reports of exciting progress were the order of the day in a recent meeting of Africa leaders.

The Steering Committee (a.k.a. The Africa Working Group) of Samaritan Strategy Africa met in Accra, Ghana, in March to update progress on the Hope for Africa project, and make plans for the next six months.

Since the team last met in Addis Ababa in October 2011, three new “self-sustaining national teams” have formed in Niger, Benin, and Lesotho. This brings the total number of Africa national teams to 11.

In addition, teams in nine other countries are being mentored, though not yet self-sustaining.

Praise God for this exciting progress! For more on the Hope for Africa project read here.

Africa Working Group in Ghana, March 2012. From left: Demelash Lemma, Scott Allen, Buingo Mateene, Simon Nziramakenga, Karobia Njogu, Chris Ampadu, Stephen Langa, and Hein VanWyk.

DNA Welcomes New Research Specialist

As of January 1, John Tuggy became the newest staff member to join the DNA international secretariat. John will be the DNA Research Specialist. He is pursuing a doctoral degree at the Oxford Centre for Mission Studies.

John’s research will center on the relationships between Western churches and indigenous movements in the global south. He comes with extensive overseas experience, having grown up in Venezuela and served as country director in Cambodia with Food for the Hungry.

John and his wife and three children currently live in Silverton, Oregon.

A Special Evening to Benefit a Broken World

Some 270 friends of the DNA gathered at Chaparral Suites in Scottsdale, Arizona  on March 3 for a wonderful celebration of God’s work through the Disciple Nations Alliance. The annual benefit dinner was a big success and a splendid opportunity to share the vision.

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The featured speaker, Dr. Marvin Olasky, Editor-in-Chief of World Magazine, spoke of his deep appreciation for the unique contribution:

“I’ve done a lot of writing over the years about how to fight poverty … but it’s a privilege for me to be among people who actually do it!”

International Secretariat president Scott Allen painted the big picture of DNA’s burden and vision to address the world’s brokenness in the name of Christ:

“From the very beginning our great God had a plan to heal, redeem and restore the broken world; at the very center of that plan is His son, Jesus.”

We were also privileged to have U.S. Congressmen Trent Franks from Arizona as a special guest.

Over $44,000 was raised for the global efforts of DNA, for which we praise God. Thank you again for all the sponsors, volunteers and participants who gave so generously of their time and treasure and made this such a memorable evening.

Please take a moment to enjoy this video showing highlights of the evening.

LifeWork is Now Available in Portuguese

Darrow Miller’s book, LifeWork: A Biblical Theology for What You Do Every Day, is now available in Portuguese! Nelson Monteiro, DNA Brazil Team Leader recently reported:

I just came back from our Forum DNA Brasil in Brasília. You probably know that Bob and Darrow were there ministering. We released Darrow’s Lifework book in Portuguese during the conference. It was a victory to celebrate as that had been a long time desire of Darrow’s. As I mentioned before, it was published through Rodrigo’s Instituto Transforma.

We spend 50 to 75 percent of our waking hours and 60 to 90 percent of the years of our lives working. Yet many of us never invest even a fraction of that time exploring the vision that drives our lives and work.

In this book, Darrow lays out the thought background necessary for each of us to establish a meaningful, integrated understanding of our life and work. Whatever our work or vocation, God calls each of us to a new way of living–fully in his presence.

The book sells for R$ 40.00. You can order by email or telephone:

Phone: 55 (41) 3095 2269

Or write to: Rua Alf. Marcilio Machado 181, Tingui, Curitiba, PR, Brasil

Go here to see DNA books available in other languages.