Discipling Mexico’s youth through art

This entry was sent to us by Chris McReynolds of Proyecto Amistad which disciples young followers of Jesus in México and the U.S.

At a conference in Mexico City last January, Darrow Miller, co-founder of Disciple Nations Alliance, taught that the church has a great, untapped potential for discipling nations, i.e. Christians working in the arts. Many young people are gifted in music, poetry, painting and film making but are often discouraged by the church from pursuing their God-given talents. He commented that non-Christian artists sharing atheistic-materialistic or neo-pagan values have more impact on our culture and on Christian youth than the church does.

Darrow observed that the church should be the “well spring” of the arts for our nations. He cited the notorious “Madonna and Britney kiss” as a deliberate act of discipling young people, both Christian and non-Christian, to embrace same-sex activity as legitimate. This vice was promoted as a virtue to millions of youth, including Christians, around the world using music and other art forms. Given that arts are “upstream” from politics and economics, one lamentable result is that legislators are passing laws to redefine marriage.

Darrow challenged those at the conference to call the church to create a platform for young Christian artists to use their gifts to speak prophetically to culture. Christian art does not mean “religious art” – songs about Jesus or pictures of Christ and the cross. Christians should create art that promotes Kingdom Culture – Truth, Beauty and Goodness – in winsome ways to the culture. We are to speak prophetically, to critique our cultures. Young Christian artists who catch this vision and are encouraged can become disciplers of their nations.

Impacted by Darrow’s comments, Francelia Chavez, wife of coordinator Chris McReynolds, began discussing with seminary music students, church music directors and others the idea of using music to disciple youth. From these conversations, a music ministry called DJ-MuC took shape.


DJ-MuC – translated from Spanish – stands for Discipleship of Youth for Christ Using Music. The idea is to integrate teaching, testimony, and music that speaks to young people, and then offer follow-up counseling and communication.

To date, we have held three national-level gatherings of youth in the Presbyterian church of Mexico, one each in Monterrey, Tepecoculco (in the state of Mexico), and Playa del Carmen. At these events messages have been presented and the band has performed and provided testimony of Jesus Christ’s influence in their lives. The response has been encouraging.

Dj-muC Logo

Many of the youth chose to devote, or re-devote, their lives to Christ. Several have received help with serious problems. One of DJ-MuC’s main objectives is to maintain contact with the youth through social media and other means. Another objective is to inspire and facilitate the formation of similar music ministries in various regions of Mexico.


The youth and adults of DJ-MuC hold up their index fingers to say, “God is One, and we are one in Christ!”

This program is a work in progress, so please pray for its growth and continued fruit.

Connect with DJ-MuC on Facebook,
and e-mail Francelia Chavez or Chris McReynolds to learn more.

‘Discipling Nations’ book reaches Tanzanian govt. officials, businesspeople

Ideas are powerful; they can edify, or they can destroy. The DNA exists to spread ideas that contribute to the building of God’s kingdom and the flourishing of all nations. The first DNA book, called Discipling Nations, has made its way around the globe, and through it God has touched hearts and changed minds.

Recently, this book fell into the hands of several top Christian leaders in Tanzania, including the prime minister, the speaker of parliament, the attorney general, and several other prominent leaders in the government and business sectors.

Mwassa Jingi

Mwassa Jingi (above), a Tanzanian journalist, author, lawyer and former businessman, had established relationships with these leaders through his work, so he handed them free copies and will begin to follow up this month to discuss their thoughts on the book as it relates to Tanzanian society.

Mwassa himself received the book from Merle and Claudia Wiens, friends of the DNA who have worked for ReachGlobal for almost 22 years.

Merle gave a copy of Discipling Nations to Mwassa at the end of 2011, and he read it in just a few days. “Brother Merle,” Mwassa wrote in response, “the book you gave it is an amazing book amongst many books I have read on social development. We need to sit down and critically plan how can we use the knowledge and principles revealed in this book to transform my people–Tanzanians. Thank you so much for the book.”

Since then, Mwassa has attended several Vision Conferences and plans to be trained as a conference leader before the end of the year.

Please pray for Mwassa’s follow-up meetings with these leaders, that God’s plans to heal brokenness and restore all things would be recognized by these leaders and realized across Tanzania.

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To contact Merle or Mwassa, e-mail Merle.Wiens@efca.org.


New book! ‘As the Family Goes, So Goes the Nation’

We are pleased to announce the release of a new book co-written by Scott Allen, president of the DNA Global Secretariat, titled: As the Family Goes, So Goes the Nation: Principles and Practices for Building Healthy Families.

As the Family GoesThe book is an important addition to our DNA library of resources because of the vital roles that marriage and family play in discipling nations. Historically, the DNA has emphasized the central role of local churches in blessing, healing and restoring broken nations, but equally important is the place of family: the first and most basic social institution in any society.

Simply put, healthy families produce healthy nations. Healthy families are those united by a solid spiritual foundation in Christ.

Today, the prevailing culture has redefined marriage and family, and non-Christian habits of thought and practice dominate, even in the church. Christian parents need a biblical vision of purpose, wholeness and joy in marriage and family life, and a practical plan for applying the wisdom and power of God’s Word to their lives.

As the Family Goes, So Goes the Nation emphasizes the purpose of marriage and family in God’s overarching redemptive plan for the nations. It not only lays out the basic biblical principles that form the foundation of marriage and family; it also encourages application by providing helpful and creative suggestions for applying each principle.

Along with Scott, the book is co-authored by Dr. Elizabeth Youmans and Dr. Jill Thrift. Dr. Youmans is founder and president of Chrysalis International, a DNA affiliated organization. Elizabeth’s calling is to disciple leaders and transform education by nurturing the hearts and minds of teachers, parents and children for Christ through her AMO® Program. She resides in Orlando, Florida and is the mother of four children and grandmother of eight.

God's Purpose for the Family in Discipling Nations_Page_01

Click to read an excerpt

Dr. Jill Thrift is an early childhood educator who serves the interests of children and parents as a teacher, writer and advocate for public policies that protect and nurture children and families. She is the mother of one grown son and resides in San Antonio, Texas.

The book is intended for use by married couples and parents (and those preparing for marriage and parenting in the future). It is also written for pastors and church leaders as a resource for equipping their members to fulfill their roles as husbands, wives, mothers and fathers.

The book now is available at Amazon.com and soon will be available through the DNA Secretariat Office online bookstore.

A Spanish-language version of the book will be published later this year by Editorial Jucum.

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: Marriage, Family and Worldview (Scott Allen)

Chapter 2: Pursing God’s Design for Marriage (Scott Allen)

Chapter 3: God’s Design for the Family (Scott Allen)

Chapter 4: God’s Purpose for the Family in Discipling Nations (Scott Allen)

Chapter 5: The Power of Words and God’s Word (Elizabeth Youmans)

Chapter 6: The Christian View of Children (Elizabeth Youmans)

Chapter 7: The Home as a Vital Learning Center (Elizabeth Youmans)

Chapter 8: Nurturing the Whole Child for Life and Leadership (Jill Thrift and Elizabeth Youmans)

Chapter 9: Establishing Family Worship (Jill Thrift and Elizabeth Youmans)

Chapter 10: Celebrating Family Traditions and Godly Heritage (Jill Thrift and Elizabeth Youmans)

Chapter 11: Loving and Serving Others (Scott Allen and Jill Thrift)

Appendix 1: A Note to Single Parents and to the Church

Appendix 2: A Word for Pastors and Local Church Leaders

Appendix 3: “God’s One Anothers” from the New Testament

DNA videos airing on Nigerian state television TODAY

Starting today and airing every Wednesday night through the end of October, a new DNA video series will be broadcast across Nigeria on the state television station PRTVC, which has well over 3 million viewers.

The topic of the 7-part series is “Monday Church”–in the words of DNA co-founder Darrow Miller, “More work of the church is to take place Monday through Saturday than takes place on Sunday.” These challenging but encouraging lessons will unpack God’s plan for every Christian in every sphere of society to be a ‘missionary of restoration’ every day of the week.

Monday Church video series

Click here to watch the videos!

A local church in Jos, Nigeria called ECWA Plateau Church has purchased airtime on PRTVC and already has been showing “On Earth as It Is in Heaven,” a video series by DNA co-founders Darrow Miller and Bob Moffitt that looks at what it would really look like–what it would really take–to see God’s kingdom come here and now, on earth as it is in heaven.

Steve Chia 1“There is such a dichotomized lifestyle between what happens on Sunday and the week days,” says Steve Chia (left) who is organizing this effort through his Nigerian church. “Many profess to be Christians on Sundays, but we do not seem to see the impact in the society.”

Please pray for those who see these videos, that their minds and hearts would be opened to God’s love for them and prosperous plans for their lives, and that they would respond in obedience.

To contact Steve, please e-mail aschia06@gmail.com.