DNA friends in India win $1,000 video contest to fight gendercide

This video, created by our friends at Art for Change in New Delhi, won the first-place $1,000 prize in a contest run by All Girls Allowed, an organization fighting ‘gendercide‘ in China and beyond.

“Best of all was seeing where all the short video reached!” says Stefan Eicher, director of Art for Change. “Two highlights were: hearing back from someone who survived birth in a family that wanted her a boy, and hearing about a government legislator in the South Indian state of Andhra Pradesh who was deeply moved by the video and plans to show it to the chief minister of the state and use it in their government programs.”

Art for Change is partnering with the Let Her Live campaign, a movement to restore the dignity and equality of women and girl children in India, and will use the prize money toward info packs, street theater performances, and college-campus screenings of the new documentary film “It’s A Girl.” The money also will pay for the production of a CD of songs previously written in a song-writing workshop on female foeticide (the killing of baby girls).

DNA’s relationship with Art for Change has been long and fruitful. “Darrow [co-founder of DNA] has been a mentor to me,” Stefan says, “and in many ways all that I am doing here with the arts has been birthed out of the vision and ideas he planted in us.”

Learn more about Art for Change and Let Her Live by clicking the live links above!

Indians Celebrate William Carey’s Birthday

Our colleague and good friend, Vishal Mangalwadi, is a contributing editor for Forward Press, a bilingual news and opinion publication produced in New Delhi, India.

The current issue celebrates the 250th birthday of  William Carey by highlighting Carey’s remarkable contribution as a powerful force for positive change in Jesus’ name  in India.

Vishal writes an article, “William Carey: Breaker or Builder of India,” that discusses how the gospel of Christ transformed his nation. We are happy to point our readers to Vishal’s article, available by clicking here and scrolling to page 52.

Please be advised that the PDF includes a news story about a massacre which includes graphic pictures of murder victims.