Video: Darrow Miller in Asia, speaking about the dignity of women

DNA co-founder Darrow Miller speaks all over the world about topics relating to a wholistic, Biblical worldview. One of those topics is the true value and dignity of women. His popular book on this topic, Nurturing the Nations: Reclaiming the Dignity of Women in Building Healthy Cultures, has been translated from English into several other languages by people thirsty for their societies to read and understand God’s true intent for women.

In October 2012, Darrow visited Singapore, in Asia: a continent that exhibits some of the world’s most brutal treatment of women and girls. Every year, China and India combined kill more baby girls than those born in the U.S. (source). They have bought into the lie that men are superior to women.

Darrow spoke at the Cell Church Missions Network‘s Global Summit: a gathering of about 500 Christian leaders from all over Asia. The Summit’s organizers offered Nurturing the Nations for free in both English and Chinese, and Darrow gave a powerful presentation. Click below to watch it; you won’t be disappointed!

“Praise ye the LORD!” ~ A testimony from Brazil

My name is Mary, and I’ve been part of Disciple Nations Alliance for just about six months, now. My favorite part of working with DNA is the privilege of being immersed in God’s amazing work. Every day, I get to talk with people who are being used by God to bring restoration and new life to their communities. It’s easy to see that the devil is active in our world, but we must not forget that it’s not an equal fight! God is always in control, and with his power, his Church is on the offensive — not the other way around.

Jesus said to his disciples,  “I tell you … on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matt. 16:18).

Here is one example of God working in the lives of people all over the world: In João Pessoa, the poorest and least evangelized part of Brazil, a Christian non-profit called Institute One27 is ushering in the Kingdom of God through a training and mentorship school for young adults and ensuing projects in the community. This video is sure to encourage you; watch it!

“Praise ye the LORD. Praise ye the name of the LORD; praise him, O ye servants of the LORD.” Psalm 135:1

“It’s a Girl” film on gendercide debuts in Phoenix

On October 25, the powerful documentary film “It’s a Girl” played for about 140 people in Phoenix, Arizona. The film exposes the horror of the One-Child Policy in China, deadly, deep-seated prejudice against females in India, and the resulting gender imbalance in these two countries.

Every year, according to an expert featured in the film, China and India together eliminate more baby girls than all the girls born in one year in the United States.

The audience included university students, Christian laborers, a high-school principal and her students, and many others spanning ages 14 to 80. Following the film, DNA co-founder Darrow Miller and “It’s a Girl” director, Evan Grae Davis, entertained questions from the crowd. Several audience members purchased copies of Nurturing the Nations and the “It’s a Girl” DVD, promising to show the film to their small groups and churches.

Two literally life-saving organizations were highlighted:

Let Her Live is a grassroots Christian organization in India that attacks gendercide at the root. They are out to change people’s minds about women, reversing the lie that women are inferior to men and, instead, showing that all people are made in the image of God.

All Girls Allowed is a grassroots Christian organization in China working against the One-Child Policy (and ensuing forced abortions), supporting women who choose to keep their baby girls, and caring for abandoned and trafficked girls.

Since the screening in Phoenix, this film has been shown to the European Parliament and myriad groups all over the world. Evan Grae Davis (its director) was invited to speak at the Ted X Conference in Mumbai, and Eric Metaxas wrote a powerful piece on this topic in BreakPoint.

Gendercide is a topic on which Darrow Miller has researched, written and spoken extensively. Click here to read a collection of his thoughts, and pray about how you can engage with this important issue.

LifeWork now available in Korean!

One of DNA’s most popular books is now available in Korean!

Even though all of DNA’s books are composed in English, when people around the world read them, they often ask to translate the books into their local languages. So far, DNA has books in 24 languages ranging from Afrikaans to Vietnamese!

To buy this book, e-mail YWAM Publishing in Korea:

LifeWork: A Biblical Theology for What You Do Every Day
approaches the fact that even though we spend 50 to 75 percent of our waking hours working, we rarely (if ever) step back to explore the vision that drives our lives and work. In this book, DNA co-founder Darrow Miller lays out the thought background necessary for each of us to establish a meaningful, integrated understanding of our life and work. Whatever our work or vocation, God calls each of us to a new way of living–fully in his presence. Read reviews on Amazon!

Join DNA at the first annual International Wholistic Missions Conference

Leaders from the Phoenix office of Disciple Nations Alliance will lead the workshop on “Worldview and Christian Community Development.” Please join us! If you’re coming from out of state, please let us know; we may be able to provide housing. Hope to see you there!

Southeast Asian church doubles in size in just one day

This story comes from our DNA partners in Southeast Asia, where more than 700 local churches are being discipled, and God is vibrantly on the move. For the safety of our partners and local believers, we are not disclosing the specific country.

In one area, there was a small church made up of 10 families. After they completed just the first training, “Introduction to Wholistic Ministry,” they wanted to show God’s love to a family whose wife was having heart surgery. The church decided to help in a very practical way: by harvesting the family’s crops while the wife was recovering and the husband was tending to her in the hospital.

About 30 people from this tiny church set out to the couple’s field — pulling up crops, bagging them and delivering them to the couple’s doorstep.

When the couple returned from the hospital, they were very surprised and moved because they had worried about what to do with their crops waiting to be harvested. Even facing high medical bills, they had assumed their harvest would have to be abandoned.

They said they wanted to believe in God because they had been seeking love but had never found any until they saw the love in the church.

The couple opened their hearts to Christ after receiving such a practical example of his sacrificial love for them. On top of that, nine other families in the community witnessed this event and also asked to receive Christ!

Praise the Lord who orchestrates all such events for His glory.