Upcoming conference: Raising up the next generation of Christian leaders in México

This announcement comes from our partners at Proyecto Amistad:

Please, consider joining us this Sept 24-26 in Guadalajara, México. Rev. José Luis Montecillos Chipres, author and historian, and Darrow Miller of Disciple Nations Alliance will be our main speakers. This is sure to be an important and very enjoyable time for the friends of Proyecto Amistad and other ministries to create new relationships, learn, and work together for transformative Christian education in México. Click here for updated information and full schedule. Translation will be available at all conference activities.fishing netsFor information, you can call or e-mail the “Conference Location” or contact Chris at: U.S. Cell: (830) 719-5812, or proyectoamistad@gmail.com.

Discipling Mexico’s youth through art

This entry was sent to us by Chris McReynolds of Proyecto Amistad which disciples young followers of Jesus in México and the U.S.

At a conference in Mexico City last January, Darrow Miller, co-founder of Disciple Nations Alliance, taught that the church has a great, untapped potential for discipling nations, i.e. Christians working in the arts. Many young people are gifted in music, poetry, painting and film making but are often discouraged by the church from pursuing their God-given talents. He commented that non-Christian artists sharing atheistic-materialistic or neo-pagan values have more impact on our culture and on Christian youth than the church does.

Darrow observed that the church should be the “well spring” of the arts for our nations. He cited the notorious “Madonna and Britney kiss” as a deliberate act of discipling young people, both Christian and non-Christian, to embrace same-sex activity as legitimate. This vice was promoted as a virtue to millions of youth, including Christians, around the world using music and other art forms. Given that arts are “upstream” from politics and economics, one lamentable result is that legislators are passing laws to redefine marriage.

Darrow challenged those at the conference to call the church to create a platform for young Christian artists to use their gifts to speak prophetically to culture. Christian art does not mean “religious art” – songs about Jesus or pictures of Christ and the cross. Christians should create art that promotes Kingdom Culture – Truth, Beauty and Goodness – in winsome ways to the culture. We are to speak prophetically, to critique our cultures. Young Christian artists who catch this vision and are encouraged can become disciplers of their nations.

Impacted by Darrow’s comments, Francelia Chavez, wife of coordinator Chris McReynolds, began discussing with seminary music students, church music directors and others the idea of using music to disciple youth. From these conversations, a music ministry called DJ-MuC took shape.


DJ-MuC – translated from Spanish – stands for Discipleship of Youth for Christ Using Music. The idea is to integrate teaching, testimony, and music that speaks to young people, and then offer follow-up counseling and communication.

To date, we have held three national-level gatherings of youth in the Presbyterian church of Mexico, one each in Monterrey, Tepecoculco (in the state of Mexico), and Playa del Carmen. At these events messages have been presented and the band has performed and provided testimony of Jesus Christ’s influence in their lives. The response has been encouraging.

Dj-muC Logo

Many of the youth chose to devote, or re-devote, their lives to Christ. Several have received help with serious problems. One of DJ-MuC’s main objectives is to maintain contact with the youth through social media and other means. Another objective is to inspire and facilitate the formation of similar music ministries in various regions of Mexico.


The youth and adults of DJ-MuC hold up their index fingers to say, “God is One, and we are one in Christ!”

This program is a work in progress, so please pray for its growth and continued fruit.

Connect with DJ-MuC on Facebook,
and e-mail Francelia Chavez or Chris McReynolds to learn more.

Announcing the first-ever DNA Regional Forum in Latin America! / ¡Anunciando el primer Foro Latinoamericano para discipular las naciones!

September 10-13 in Panama City, Panama, DNA leaders and partners from all over Latin America will gather to share stories, renew vision and address the Great Commission which involves making disciples of all nations!

Please click here to learn more and register!

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A Right Turn to Aquascalientes

It started when David Roberts read LifeWork: A Biblical Theology for What You Do Every Day.

David, a missionary with Evangelical Mission Ministries based in Pharr, Texas, has distributed books in Mexico for 22 years, including some of Darrow Miller’s titles. David is also involved with a Christian school. Given that, he picked up on a name in Darrow’s book.

“I read about Elizabeth Youmans from LifeWork, a book that impacted me much,” David said. “We had been involved with our Christian school for 15 years, but felt we needed to improve the Christian philosophy behind our education.”

David contacted Elizabeth and eventually corresponded with Rick Lane, an AMO board member who is deeply involved in Christian education in Mexico. (AMO is a principle-based curriculum for children published by Chrysalis International, Inc. Go here to read more about this outstanding program.)

When Rick learned about David’s interest, he was happy to do whatever he could to accommodate David’s desire to bring training to his school. David was “well prepared to receive AMO training,” Rick said.

To David’s delight, Elizabeth and Rick modified their schedule of training sessions, moving the session scheduled for Ciudad Acuña to Aguascalientes, David’s city of over 800,000 in population in the center of Mexico.

Chrysalis sent trainers Jacqi Gough and Cristina Inchaustegui to give the course, entitled “The Rudiments of Christian Education.” Among the topics discussed were: the Biblical view of the child, educating the heart not just the mind, the AMO program, and Wellspring of Wonders.

Thirty- seven people attended, representing four Christian schools, two orphanages, a seminary, a church denomination and several individual churches. 

“I believe that all were impressed with the difference between a truly Christian education and the typical government planned education,” David reports.

Mexico City Vision Conference Slated for Aug. 2-6, 2010

Mexico City is scheduled for its first DNA Vision Conference August 2-6. The key sponsor organization is Partners In Christ, a DNA Cooperating Organization. Much of the work is being done by PIC staff Katie Taylor and Lyd Pensado with the support of PIC Executive Director, Nick Beezhold.

Mexico City

Other organizations that have been approached to help support the event include The National Presbyterian Seminary, The Christian Reformed Seminary, The Baptist Seminary, The Methodist Seminary, Christ for the Nations Mission Training School, YWAM/Megacities, The Evangelical Free Church (ReachGlobal), the The Evangelistic Institute of Mexico as well as others.

Darrow Miller and John Wood, Pastor of Missional Life at Bethany Community Church, will serve as co-facilitators for the event.

If you’d like more information on supporting or attending this exciting event, please contact info@disciplenations.org or Katie Taylor at ktaylor3006@yahoo.com.